Making change that actually works!

Why doesn’t change happen successfully? Because, leaders and non-management employees are humans. Leaders and employees aren’t bad people—they just have brains that see change as a threat and fight it… even if the change is good.

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The Challenge

When leaders and employees understand the brain science, coping strategies and best practices, then the change can succeed. Most organizations believe that just telling employees to make changes will work—only to find that the change fails and is fraught with problems such as poor morale, lowered productivity and quality, bad customer service, and sabotage. Many leaders don’t value employees’ perspectives and disregard employees’ expertise. Failure!

At a minimum, it’s essential that leaders are trained to understand change and how to lead the change implementation successfully.

High performing organizations not only train leaders but train non-management employees as well to ensure optional change implementation.

Typical Mistakes LEADERS Make…

  • Unintentionally sabotage the change effort
  • Use emotional avoidance rather than emotional intelligence
  • Align with employees’ negativity
  • Blame other departments or the “boss”, human resources
  • Fail to coach employees using effective change strategies
  • Allow team meetings to run down rabbit holes
  • Don’t value employees’ perspectives and expertise

Leadership Training Outline

  • Use brain science strategies to implement change
  • Use emotional intelligence to drive results
  • Develop “change ambassadors” and influencers
  • Reduce employee negativity
  • Use specific communication, coaching, facilitation and recognition best practices
  • Value and empower employees to speak their truths and use employee expertise

Typical Mistakes EMPLOYEES Make…

  • Talk themselves into believing the change is inherently bad
  • Are influenced by struggling employees and get mired in negativity
  • Blame leadership for change
  • Create doomsday scenarios
  • Become silent instead of offering their expertise and advice

Employee Training Outline

  • Understanding the brain science of change and how to retain a sense of positivity
  • Avoiding being mired down in false negative narratives
  • Becoming a positive ambassador and making change not only tolerable, but also less stressful and enjoyable
  • Learning importance and value in articulating change ideas and concerns

Successful Change Investments

Leadership Training

Six hours for any size group

Non-Management Training

Three hours for any size group

Discount Option

Discount of 10% if offering both trainings

Key Note Speaker

Available for conference key notes.

Cyndi Schaeffer, PhD
Leadership and Change

Cyndi Schaeffer, PhD, has over 20 years of experience leading high performing teams and transforming organizations. She has served as a supervisor, administrator, executive director, change manager and chief of staff. She has provided change leadership, change management, leadership development and customer service training to private and public sector companies and organizations nationally and internationally. She has been an instructor at several universities and earned her PhD from Antioch University in Leadership and Change.

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